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Friday, November 18, 2005

Superman Returns

Man, I am disappointed. Superman Returns looks like more of the same Fantastic Four-esque superhero nonsense. And I'm almost positive we'll be able to buy the soundtrack well in advance of the film. All of the promise Bryan Singer showed us in X-Men 2 has been thrown away in favor of the flashy action sequences and crappy storyline. The trailer's voice-over, which sounded suspiciously like the voice of Alec Guiness' Obi-Wan, says some crap about the human race having great potential, and that Superman is here to help us realize it.

Bad, I tell you. Bad.

The only hope I have left for the superhero genre now rests with Christopher Nolan. Please God, let the next Batman movie restore my faith.


Blogger Rory Larry said...

No offense, but I think it looks good for a teaser and if I'm not mistaken the voice over is Marlon Brando and his actually dialogue from the first Superman film, which I find to be a nice touch.

11:39 AM


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